Weekly Team Meeting Minutes – 11/20

Date – Sun, Nov 20 @4:00PM

All members present – Ty, Kyle, Christine, Bryant


  • Ty – Prototype design refinements based on user feedback. Continue 1-2 additional concept tests. Begin interactive prototype
  • Kyle – Continue dev research and setting up foundational functionality of Omni application
  • Christine – 1-2 concept interviews with new screens. Continue creating user flow diagram
  • Bryant – 1-2 concept interviews with new screens. Synthesize overall concept testing results. Help create the new Gantt chart for winter quarter

Sprint Completion – Lots of design work was completed this week. Off the back of the feedback received from user testing last week, there were many areas to address. There are a few more places that still need some thinking and testing. After completing this, the high-fidelity prototype can be linked and made interactive. Dev made incremental progress this week, and now the server/development site has the capability to be coded and tweaked.


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