Weekly Team Meeting Minutes – 11/13

Date – Thu, Nov 10 @5:00PM

All members present – Ty, Kyle, Christine, Bryant


  • Ty – Prototype design refinements based on user feedback. Continue 1-2 additional concept tests
  • Kyle – Continue dev research and setting up the initial server and tools needed to begin development
  • Christine – Continue design explores based on feedback. Refine brand assets. Begin creating user flow to map out Omni flow
  • Bryant – Complete concept testing interviews. Help synthesis concept testing results. Begin creating user flow to map out Omni flow with Christine

Sprint Completion – Good progress made on research and design this week. We received a lot of good feedback so far from the concept testing and will look to make adjustment over the next weeks. We will continue to test with users as we good to validate the changes that we are making as we approach the deadline for the high-fidelity prototype.


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