Weekly Team Meeting Minutes – 10/30

Date – Sun, Oct 30 @1:00PM

All members present – Ty, Kyle, Christine, Bryant


  • Ty – Continue expanding prototype. Start concept testing guide. Assist Kyle on dev research/development and interview with Phil
  • Kyle – Continue work on the Musicbrainz connection and API development. Interview Phil to get insight into dev plan
  • Christine – Work on color implementation in the prototype. Assist with concept testing guide
  • Bryant – Assist with concept testing guide. Wrap up user interviews and help synthesis findings

Sprint Completion – Interviews were expanded to 15 in total. We have a good grasp of where our users land on the topic. With this completed, we have the info needed to begin and expand the prototype. After expanding this over the next week, a short concept testing sprint will occur to lock in the general design/feature direction. We are continuing to learn more about the development side, and should be able to make some tangible progress in the next 1-3 weeks.


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