Weekly Team Meeting – 02/27

Meeting Date – Fri, Feb 24 @12:00PM

All members present – Ty, Kyle, Christine, Bryant

Meeting goal: Discuss weekly progress and upcoming dates, goals, and work.

Open tasks:


Closed tasks:

  • Usability Testing Synthesis Document – Bryant, Christine
  • Reorganized code structure – Kyle
    • Over the week, we also reorganized the structure of the code to allow for easier readability and more efficient development changes heading into the final stages. (https://github.com/Kdolphin2284/Omni)
  • Albums / Singles & EPs / Playlists Functionality within Artist Modal – Kyle
    • Buttons on the artist modal pages now function and switch between the artist’s albums and singles/EPs.
  • Node Blur on Artist Web – Kyle
    • Implemented the blur that is seen in the prototype on the live version when users click on an artist
  • Artist name appears on search by default
    • The artist name now appears by default when a user searches for an artist.

New tasks:

  • Active States on buttons – Kyle
    • Going to implement the Javascript code necessary to have the active states correctly functioning throughout Omni. Complete by 3/06
  • “Open on Spotify” for Songs/Albums/Playlists – Kyle
    • Going to implement the ability to click on songs, albums, playlists, etc and have them open on Spotify. Complete by 3/06
  • “About” page implementation – Kyle
    • Going to implement the “About” page on the artist info modals. Complete by 3/06.


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