Weekly Team Meeting – 02/20

Meeting Date – Fri, Feb 17 @12:00PM

All members present – Ty, Kyle, Christine, Bryant

Meeting goal: Discuss weekly progress and upcoming dates, goals, and work.

Open tasks:

  • User Story script creation/research – Christine, Bryant
  • Functionality of “Influences, Similar, Influences” development – Kyle
    • We are still working on the functionality of each of the three artist node options. Most of the week was spent cleaning up other aspects of the interface, and due to other commitments, not a lot of progress was able to be made, but we are going to make sure to make meaningful strides this week on this task.
  • Design QA Changes Implementation – Kyle
    • After completing the 2nd round of QA, there are many small tweaks (each individual item can be found in the Figma QA doc linked below) that are going to be made to the live version of Omni. We are going to continue cleaning up the individual items throughout the week to prepare for another round of design QA in next week. (https://www.figma.com/file/3b0UPHJb5BIZDMW0CcS4mF/Omni?node-id=1111%3A6695)
  • Microinteractions developed into static site – Ty
    • Most of the microinteractions have been developed into the static version of Omni. This includes tooltip hover states, album/EP/playlist cover hover states, dropdown menu interactions, and artist node option selector interactions. The task remains open, because we still want to tweak a few of the interactions and clean them up by next week (2/27) (https://github.com/tynandrake/idm372-omni-front-end)

Closed tasks:

New tasks:

  • Synthesizing Results from Usability Testing Round 1 – Bryant, Christine, Ty
    • We will synthesize the results from the usability tests this week and have the analysis done by 2/21. There will also likely be design changes to consider throughout the week with the synthesis of these results.
  • Albums / Singles & EPs / Playlists Functionality within Artist Modal – Kyle
    • Currently, the buttons to switch to the various types of music content on an artist modal is not functioning. We are going to work on this and have it functioning by 2/27.
  • Active States on buttons – Kyle
    • Going to implement the Javascript code necessary to have the active states correctly functioning throughout Omni. Complete by 2/27
  • “Open on Spotify” for Songs/Albums/Playlists – Kyle
    • Going to implement the ability to click on songs, albums, playlists, etc and have them open on Spotify. Complete by 2/27
  • Update Microinteraction Guideline to track progress of implementation into live Omni – Ty
    • We are going to update the Microinteraction Guideline to track what has been implemented into the live Omni site.


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