Weekly Team Meeting – 02/06

Meeting Date – Fri, Feb 3 @12:00PM

All members present – Ty, Kyle, Christine, Bryant

Meeting goal: Discuss weekly progress and upcoming dates, goals, and work.

Open tasks:

  • Usability Testing Guide – Bryant, Christine, Ty
  • Microinteraction Guidelines – Christine
  • “Refresh/show more artists” Design Exploration – Christine, Ty
  • Static Front-end HTML/CSS Development – Microinteractions – Ty
    • Began to implement some of the microinteractions that will be present within the application. The microinteractions for buttons and song hovers have been added. The remaining microinteractions (found in the microinteraction document) will be added over the next week. (https://github.com/tynandrake/idm372-omni-front-end)
  • Additional Screen Designs – Ty, Christine
    • There are a few outstanding screens/modals that need to be designed. This includes the “About” page on the artist info modals and a search warning modal. We began designing these screens later this week and will have them completed in the next few days.
  • Artist Modal Functionality + Artist Node Option Modal Functionality – Kyle
    • The functionality of the modals has been implemented into the live site. The correct content will be implemented over the next week. Styling is still a bit buggy so this will remain an open task until some of the quirks are worked out

Closed tasks:

New tasks:

  • QA Round 1 – Ty, Bryant
    • We will start conducting the first round of QA this week to check the initial CSS that has been integrated into the live Omni site.
  • User Story script creation/research – Christine, Bryant
    • We are also going to begin writing the script for the user story animation that is due for the final deliverable. This will be completed over the course of the next two weeks.
  • Spotify API information integration – Kyle
    • Continue implementing the Spotify API into the backend by grabbing and displaying artist content. This will hopefully be complete by next week.
  • Lobby Poster Design – Christine, Bryant
    • We are going to begin the lobby poster design this week.


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