Weekly Team Meeting – 01/20

Date – Fri, Jan 20 @12:00PM

All members present – Ty, Kyle, Christine, Bryant

Winter Break:

There were a few tasks that were completed over break:

  • Ty and Bryant reorganized the Figma file to condense the work that has been completed so far.
  • Ty designed a few mobile prototype screens to reflect the high-fidelity prototype. This will be expanded over the course of the quarter.

Open tasks:

  • Designing Instagram post – Bryant, Christine, Ty
  • Mobile prototype expansion – Ty, Christine
    • A few screens are designed, but refinements are needed, and there are some additional screens that need to be designed to match the desktop prototype. This is not a priority, as MVP will probably just be the desktop size due to time constraints, but mobile screens and refinements will be made over the course of the quarter.
  • Gathering case study materials- Bryant, Christine, Ty
    • This is another task that will be completed over the course of the quarter. As materials are finalized and progress is made, we will gather the materials needed to complete the case study. We want to make sure that the highest quality materials are gathered, so this will also be filled out over the course of the quarter.

Closed tasks:

  • Kyle: Front-end Omni development – limited the amount of Omni nodes to the first degree of related artists. Sizing is still buggy but will be worked on this week.

New tasks:

  • Create finalized design system stylesheet – Christine, Bryant, Ty
    • With the high-fidelity prototype in a good place, the design system stylesheet can be built out. This will be completed in Figma over the course of the next 2-3 weeks.
  • Implementing Spotify API images – Kyle
    • We want to begin implementing the various aspects of the Spotify API, such as the images that are provided, to continue the development of the project. We are trying to have this implemented within the next 2-3 weeks.
  • Coding front-end CSS to match prototype – Ty, Kyle
    • While the backend is being developed, the frontend CSS needs to be coded so that it will be ready to integrate when the backend has progressed. This will be completed over the course of the next 2-3 weeks as well.


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