Ty – Status Post #6 – 11/20

What’s Been Done

Research (0hr)

  • No research work done this week

Design (7 hours)

  • Took the feedback that our group received from the concept tests and continued updating the prototype. The major updates are addressed below:
  • Updated the artist name state. Decided that having artist names always displayed by default would be the most functional UX based on the feedback that we heard from users.
  • Created the first pass at what the “Settings” menu would look like. This would give users the option to enable/disable/change certain aspects of the interface. These options were things that users expressed split opinions on. For example, some users stated that they wanted the option to enable/hide secondary links at their discretion.
  • Designed first version of the filtering menu. Still need to continue researching the different filters that are possible and useful.
  • Redesigned the artist module to simplify and consolidate certain aspects of the interface. Want to put this version and some of the other variations that I designed in front of users this week to test again.

Dev (0hr)

  • No dev work done this week

Before Next Meeting


  • Complete additional 1-2 concept testing interviews
  • Continue researching the playlist creation functionalities possible with Spotify API


  • Continue refining desktop prototypes based on concept testing interviews
  • Begin creating the interactive prototype


  • None


  • Time


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