Ty – Status Post #5 – 11/13

What’s Been Done

Research (3hr)

  • Compiled NUF analysis results from group last week. This validated a lot of the previous features that we felt that were important. Some of the key features that I see from this analysis are: filtering for discography (to quickly navigate from albums, songs, EPs, etc.), connecting and opening artists on Spotify, displaying influences/influencers. Some features that seem to be long-term goals would be: displaying artist via Last.fm, artist active years, and artist genres.

Design (2 hours)

  • Continued updating the prototype based on feedback received from initial set of concept testing interviews. We got valuable feedback about things such as artist name visibility, link colors/visibility. Updated the design based on this to include artist names, removed secondary links (on default, could implement a toggle function), added selected artist history function (in-bottom left corner)(https://www.figma.com/file/3b0UPHJb5BIZDMW0CcS4mF/Omni?node-id=435%3A603).

Dev (2hr)

  • Completed additional development research to hone in on what tools, API, etc. will be needed. Links included in development plan below.
  • Found additional projects that utilize the Spotify API and d3.js to create a similar network of artists that Omni is looking to achieve. These can be used to reference in addition to the project found last week. 2nd link includes an in-depth case study explaining their process that has valuable information about the potential issues that we might run into when moving into development. (https://artist-explorer.glitch.me/) (https://emily.louie.ca/sixdegrees/)

Before Next Meeting


  • Complete additional 1-2 concept testing interviews


  • Continue refining desktop & mobile prototypes based on concept testing interviews


  • Continue researching and refining the development plan


  • Time


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