Ty – Status Post #4 – 11/7

What’s Been Done

Research (2hr)

Design (3 hours)

Dev (3-4hr)

  • Completed additional development research to hone in on what tools, API, etc. will be needed. Links included in development plan below.
  • Found a past project that utilizes the Spotify API and d3.js force-directed graphs to create a similar network of artists that Omni is looking to achieve. This can be used as a foundation for our MVP as we look to build upon the feature and functions present in this project. (https://elliotec.com/force-directed-artist-relationship-graph-with-d3-js-and-the-spotify-api/), (https://observablehq.com/@d3/force-directed-graph)
  • Create a development plan with various routes we can take the development cycle. Option #1 is the original “vision”/plan that uses various API’s and combines and displays the information together (this is the most complicated but would likely produce the highest quality results if developed correctly). Option #2 utilizes the Spotify & Last.fm API’s and removes the use of Allmusic.com (this would also provide quality results due to the accuracy of Last.fm’s similar artist data, but would still be technically challenging). Option #3 utilizes just the Spotify API (this option is possibly the best route to use for an MVP. Uses just one API for data so it would be simpler and easier to manage).
  • Development Plan + Research Links here (https://www.figma.com/file/3JkuhqzYTEex3GQwJARZkD/Development-Roadmap?node-id=0%3A1)

Before Next Meeting


  • Still waiting to hear back from Phil, Kyle and I will reach out again this week.
  • Complete 2-3 concept testing interviews
  • Refine the concept testing guide based on initial interviews
  • Compile group’s NUF analysis results to determine general feature-set direction


  • Continue refining desktop & mobile prototypes based on concept testing interviews


  • Continue researching and refining the development plan
  • Explore more d3.js tutorials/videos to learn more about force-directed graphs and what is possible with them. Looks like this will be our best bet to use versus Neo4j since it is free and has plentiful examples to reference online with. The d3 library is also built to display front-end visuals which will be much easier to work with than Neo4j which is mainly used for backend systems.


  • Time


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