Ty – Status Post – 10/24

What’s Been Done


  • Completed four 1-hour user interviews. Gain insights into users’ listening habits, their music discovery process, and thoughts on Omni’s potential offerings. Key takeaways from the team’s takeaways through 9 interviews so far.


  • Focused on research this week, no design progress made


  • Found Musicbrainz website (https://musicbrainz.org). Based on the info provided, this site should have all of the data required to build the application. Musicbrainz has an API that would allow us to link out to additional sites (Allmusic, Spotify, Last.fm, etc.). Each of these sites will allow us to grab relevant information on artists.

Before Next Meeting


  • Complete an additional 1-2 user interviews
  • Continue refining user profiles and research
  • Complete user journey


  • Begin initial interface explorations


  • Connect to Musicbrainz API and gather test dataset


  • Not being able to find users to interview
  • Not being able to connect to the API and gather the correct information


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