Ty – Status Post #1 – 10/17/22


— What’s Been Done —

— Before Next Meeting —

  • Continue to research practices for compiling and displaying graph databases.
  • Begin brainstorming interview questions
  • Create user personas based on continuing user research

— Obstacles In The Way —

  • Finding time to ample research methods for database collection
  • Identifying the correct users to target


— What’s Been Done —

  • Began initial mood board explores to determine the design direction to expand towards

— Before Next Meeting —

  • Creating basic user journey flow with a storyboarded prototype to demonstrate concept
  • Continue to find inspiration for design direction (applies for animations and overall design aesthetic)
  • Low fidelity prototype with initial design direction and functionality represented

Obstacles In The Way —

  • These should be achievable by next meeting. Time could be the only obstacle


— What’s Been Done —

  • Began developing an API to scrape the Allmusic website

— Before Next Meeting —

  • Have sample artist database collected and formatted into JSON
  • Setup and explore Neo4j platform. Time permitting, input sample artist set into the platform

— Obstacles In The Way —

  • Collecting the data from Allmusic with the API
  • Getting the install of Neo4j functioning