Kyle – Status Post #4 – 11/06/22

For this past week, I spent about of 3 hours researching into the official technologies we will use for Omni. I also spent about an hour thinking of and developing a development roadmap for Omni. Our group then met on Sunday for about 1.5 hours to discuss findings.

My Work

API Research/Roadmap Development (about 4 hours)

  • Ty pointed me to a website that acts similar to Omni in the sense that there is a search field that finds artists and their related artists ( This led us to rethinking the main technologies that we will utilize in the development of Omni.
  • I looked into the code on github (, and figure that we can use this base functionality for Omni, and build off of it by implementing different features such as an informative modal for each artist, and images of the related artists.
  • The code uses the Spotify api ( to grab artists and their related artists, and then uses D3.js ( to graph them closer if they’re closely related, or farther if they’re not as closely related.
  • I researched to find a way to grab images of artists, and found that wikipedia has an api ( We will now use this, along with the Spotify api to gather our information and images for Omni. Spotify does not have the option to grab images of artists’ profiles, and no other api that we have seen has the capability to grab artist images.
  • I developed a development roadmap, which we will development Omni alongside. As a team we feel like we have been swapping between technologies to use for Omni, so as the developer I used this week primarily to figure out a solid plan going forward.
  • I met with my team on Sunday and we worked on putting together a NUF test, which is a rating system based on 3 criteria: Uniqueness of the idea, usefulness of the idea, and feasibility of the idea. We then put together a list of all of the ideas for Omni, and completed the NUF test. Below is an image of mine. The grading for each category can go from 1 to 7. Our group meeting was about 1.5 hours.
  • Using this test, along with my groupmates’ tests, we will be analyzing and setting down the core features of Omni in the coming week, based off of how each team member rated each idea.

In the Future

  • This week I will be obtaining a server to run node on, from which we will pull information to Omni.
  • I will be editing the “Visuify” code to reflect more of Omni’s styling.
  • I will be researching further into wiki.js, and if I have time I will try to implement the images of searched artists.
  • I will be doing concept testing with my roommates to gather user feedback for the layout, design, and the future-functionality of Omni.


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