Kyle – Status Post #2 – 10/23/22

For this past week, our group met for 1 hour from 2:00 – 3:00 on Sunday. We talked about our user research, as well as API implementation.

My Work

User Research

  • I interviewed my brother for 20 minutes on how he finds new music, artists, as well as how often he listens to music, among other questions.
  • This research, along with my group mates research, allowed our team to close in on our scope, and to re-evaluate the core features and capabilities of Omni.
  • I worked with my group on creating user personas for the potential users of Omni.

Database/API Research

In the Future

  • This week I will set up and start working with the MusicBrainz API via Node.js. My goal is to output artist names and other information onto a webpage.
  • Neo4j ( uses Node.js, so once I figure out how to call the information, I can start creating relationships with that information in Neo4j.


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