Christine – Status Post #6 – 11/21/22

This Week

Research (2 hours)

User Flow Graph (2 hours)

  • It seemed very important to organize the flow for Omni as well as see what other pages need to be designed for the user to have a seamless experience. To better visualize and begin the user flow, I initially mapped out the flow using a plugin called Autoflow. Upon using Autoflow, I was able to see our existing pages as well as missing pages. I’ve then went on to begin creating a more organized and standardized user flow graph. I looked into different user flow templates on Figma. I’ve come across a simple template that lets me drag and drop different components from the assets list. The user flow graph is still a work in progress.
Autoflow Plugin
Basic Flow using Autoflow
User Flow Template
Beginning of User Flow Graph

Design (2 hours)

Logo Design (0.5 hours)

  • Upon some logo design exploration last week, our team decided on one design. From there, I used different colors of the Omni brand to see which would be most fit to use for the interface. This will be completely finalized by the Alpha Presentation.
Omni Logo Color Exploration

High Fidelity Prototype (1.5 hours)

  • It was crucial for us to conduct concept testing last week as it helped us to refine our mid fidelity prototype. One of the pages that I worked on was the Search Page. Some of the concept testing responses that we’ve received regarding this page was the sparsity of the design. Although last week we had the idea of adding some movement of the artist circles in the background, we found that having a design that was catered to each user may be beneficial. Having the user’s top artists and recently played artists also has the potential of making the initial pages of Omni more enticing to use.
Search Page

Next Week

  • 2 concept testing interviews with updated pages
  • Continue and finalize user flow graph
  • Help prepare Alpha Presentation


  • Time – Underestimating time duration of refining designs & finals season


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