Christine – Status Post #4 – 11/7/22

This Week

Research (1.5 hours)

NUF Analysis (1 hour)

  • With a list of ideas, the team completed the NUF analysis individually. Below is my contribution for the NUF analysis. We had to determine which ideas from the interviews were new, useful, and feasible.
NUF Analysis

Concept Testing Guide (0.5 hour)

Design (4 hour)

Josefin Sans (0.5 hour)

  • In response to feedback, I wanted to continue looking into the various weights of Josefin Sans. There are 7 different weights that are established and named as seen below. I also wanted to explore the hierarchy of the text in Omni to see which weight we could use. Suggestions of using a secondary font was given. However, our team wanted to first conduct concept testing interviews to gain insight into the visual elements of our current prototype. Once we analyze the responses from our interviewees, we will then determine if having a second font is necessary.
List of Josefin Sans Font Weights (Normal & Italicized)
Josefin Sans Font Exploration with Omni Text

Artist Information Modal Design Ideation (1 hour)

  • Adding onto Ty’s UI designs of Omni with color implementation, I wanted to play around with an alternative layout for the artist information modal. I felt that for the desktop version of Omni, this modal could be presented on the right side of the interface so that the user may still see the network of artists in the background. As this is just an ideation, we have included this desktop version of the artist information modal into the concept testing guide and will have next week to gain more feedback from potential users.
Mobile Artist Info Modal Ideation
Desktop Artist Info Modal Ideation

Logo Design (2 hours)

  • I was also able to begin exploring different logo options for Omni. I compiled logo inspiration and used Illustrator to create some ideations. This is still a work in progress, and will be continued next week.

Next Week

  • Concept Testing Interviews with 3 Potential Users
  • Analyzing and Organizing Key Takeaways from Concept Testing
  • Updating Journey Map
  • Creating Empathy Map
  • Finalizing Logo for Omni
  • Working with Ty to refine prototypes


  • Time Management/Schedule – We are now past midterm season and heading towards finals season. Without setting aside ample time for Omni, it can be difficult to keep up with the timeline of our progress.


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