Christine – Status Post #3 – 10/30/22

This Week

Research (3 hours)

User Research (2 hours)

  • This past week, I conducted 3 more user interviews with college students. Each interview lasted between 15-20 minutes each. One student is a casual music listener, another student is musically inclined with various favorite genres of music, and the final student is also musically inclined but has a specific taste in music. Below is a list of the key takeaways and findings from the user interviews I’ve conducted this week. It seems important to note that with more interviews, user answers start to sound more and more alike, which helps in pointing our team towards the right direction for Omni.

User Journey Map (1 hour)

  • I also worked with our Content Lead to build a user journey map for Kelly Klarkson, who we also created one of our user profiles on. Kelly is a recent graduate who is currently pursuing a career as a DJ. Kelly wants to plan and organize a throw-back concert for her friends, and is trying to compile throw-back songs into a playlist to be played at the party. In doing so, Kelly realizes that she may be missing a couple of artists and their songs that can also be added to this playlist. She uses Omni to initially search Michael Jackson to see if there are artists who have influenced him, or have been influenced by him. This way, she is able to gauge which artists she could learn more about so that she can proceed with going to that artist’s page on Spotify and listening to some of their songs. Once she gains a sense of which songs would go well with the playlist, she can add whichever songs she’d like. Kelly will repeat this process for a couple more artists and will be able to finalize her playlist for the throw-back party. In creating the user journey map, Bryant and I were able to find two opportunities and solutions for Omni. Although this may seem to be a feature to consider down the road, we concluded that listening feature as well as a feature to popular a playlist based on the user’s selected artists can be useful as it would reduce the back and forth, repetition of steps.
User Journey Map

Design (1 hour)

  • I was able to discuss with the team my findings from the color research and we proceeded to finalize Omni’s main color palette. To reiterate, orange represents fun optimism, yellow represents happiness and warmth, and blue represents relaxation and comfort.
Omni color scheme
  • Discussing my findings from my font research with the team, our group decided to use the font Josefin Sans. This is because Josefin Sans seem to have both the bold and powerful element as well as the curved and softer element. Together, it can go well with conveying the two different ends of the ‘adjective spectrum’. It can establish the exciting aspect with the bolder weight as well as the relaxing aspect with the thinner weight. We will be using varied weights of Josefin Sans in order to establish the hierarchy of fonts within the application.
Josefin Sans font weights
  • We began to explore the color implementation in the low-fidelity prototype. In the process, we also looked into using gradients, as my findings from last week showed that proper use of gradients could benefit the visual elements of Omni.
Color exploration for searched artist center component
UI design of artist page with color implementation
Gradient exploration with artist information modal

Next Week

  • Implement finalized colors into the low-fidelity prototype
  • Create concept testing guide


  • Time management – We are now past midterm season and heading towards finals season. Not to mention, A-Round for Coop has just begun.


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