Bryant – Status Post #4 – 11/7/22

What’s been accomplished

  • Completed individual NUF Analysis for “Potential Features” list from interview takeaways. We will combine our tallies up earlier this week (1 hour)
  • Created a third User Persona based off interview takeaways and data in order to better reflect our interviewees. We will work on refining the other two User Personas after we get more feedback from the Concept Testing we plan to do this week (2 hour)

What’s next

  • Conduct concept testing
  • Interview the same users again with prototype
  • Update user journey with data and takeaways from concept testing
  • Finalizing logo designs
  • Creating empathy map


  • I think we need to be doing more user testing between prototypes which may take up a lot more time than we anticipated
  • We have defined our dev and design roadmaps, now we have to stick to them


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