Bryant – Status Post #2 – 10/23/2022

What’s been accomplished

User Research

  • I conducted two interviews with potential users of Omni. I presented the concept of Omni and then asked questions about their music listening habits and tools.
  • From this research, I began to help my team create User Personas, as we start honing in on our target audience/users.
User Persona

API Work

What’s next

  • Complete an additional 1-2 interviews.
  • Refine user profiles according to new user interviews and feedback.
  • Start the User Journey Map.
  • Analyze APIs and make Pros and Cons list.


  • Still feel like we need to focus in on one specific target audience/user type.
  • Scope creep. We have been getting a lot of cool potential feature ideas from our user interviews, just need to make sure that those don’t bleed into our workflow and distract us from key functionality.


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