Bryant – Status Post – 11/13/22

What’s been accomplished

  • Logo Design (1 hour) – Like Christine, I also took a shot at redesigning the logo. I wanted to do something more interconnected, while trying to stay simple. We have not had the chance to talk about the designs with Kyle and Ty yet, so that conversation will probably happen sometime this week.

What’s next

  • Refine brand assets
  • Help create user flow
  • More concept testing interviews
  • Collect and analyze data from all concept testing interviews


  • From the concept testing responses that I have gathered so far, our current designs lack transparency in how they function. (Filter button
  • In the pursuit of creating a clean, modern, and minimalist style interface, I fear that our designs will end up losing some necessary information that users will need. Our current designs employ a lot of unused open space that we are hesitant to utilize because the artist’s web will make everything crowded. Finding that balance between too much and too little is my biggest fear at the moment.


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