Bryant – Status Post #1 – 10/17/22

What’s been accomplished

  • Found a WordPress site that has a list of Music APIs ( Some of these may be useful, some of these may not be. I’ll definitely have to sort through them to see if there’s anything usable here.
  • Created some initial concept wireframes. Our whole idea of a “web”-like structure in showing off different artists sounds like a really cool idea, but I also wanted to take into consideration how it would look on a mobile breakpoint; because a web takes up a lot of space and a lot of information is being presented at once.

What’s next

  • Sort through Music APIs on WordPress site for APIs that will be useful to us. Will probably make an Excel Spreadsheet for quick reference.
  • Regroup with team to solidify target audience and core functionality
  • Create User Personas once we have determined a more specific target audience


  • Scheduling – Omni mostly conducts their group meetings on Thursdays and Sundays which is pretty late in to the week, we may have to reconsider this as the work load increases
  • Database – We need to solidify our API database sooner rather than later in order to identify potential gaps in information
  • Goal Setting – I feel that we need a clearer direction in what we are trying to achieve by the end of this term. We may need to take another look at the Gantt Chart and reevaluate our goals.


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